Connected Therapy Practice

Welcome to Connected Therapy Practice!

My name is Kevin Coleman and I am the founder and owner of Connected Therapy Practice, based here in Columbia, SC. To learn about me and my practice, check out the video below!

I’m glad you’ve found me and my practice, and I hope this video helps you get to know me. I encourage you to explore the rest of my website to see what it’s like to work with me.  At anytime, please feel free to contact me via the Scheduling page if you have any questions.

I have always wanted to be a therapist, because I loved supporting others through the hardest parts of life. So, wherever you are today, get the help you need! No matter where you are today, I promise you that there is hope for your life and your relationships. I founded Connected Therapy Practice so I could help people just like you through the hard times in your relationship, your anxieties, or anything else in your life. I hope we can connect soon, and I encourage you to not wait a day longer to live the life you want.

Connected Therapy Practice

Hi, my name is Kevin Coleman. I’m a marriage and family therapist here in Columbia, South Carolina. I became a therapist because I wanted to do two things. First, I wanted to support people. Also, be a safe space for them as they unpacked the hardest areas of their lives through therapy.

And second, I wanted to show them a way out of their pain. This can be towards a better future for them and their families. So we always start by just listening and empathizing. We take concrete steps to build the life that they want for themselves. And usually it doesn’t come easy. There’s some hard parts in the middle, but that’s why I’m there. I support them and encourage them every step of the way.

Kevin Coleman

As I became a marriage and family therapist through graduate school, I learned that we all exist in complex systems of relationships. So, it starts with our own parents and then grows in your friendships and sometimes we have families of our own. And as I began working with clients, I saw how crucial it is that we connect with others and ourselves in a healthy way.

So, when it came time to name my business here in Columbia. just made sense to call it Connected Therapy Practice. So, although my degrees in marriage and family therapy. I work with all adults, not just married, but married and single, parents or not parents.

Marriage Counseling

Now I have two specialties. The first is couples issues and the second is anxiety issues. I’m open to working with more adults who face different challenges. Then, I encourage you to explore my website and my blog to get to know me better. More about how I operate on here in Columbia, SC.

And if there’s an area of your life, that just feels like can’t change, but you want to change. I encourage you to consider working with me. However, if that sounds like something that you or your spouse would be interested in, head over to my scheduling page. I’ll get you all set up. Anyways, Thank you for visiting my website and until meeting in person, be well and be blessed.

Connected Therapy Practice

Hi, my name is Kevin Coleman. I’m a marriage and family therapist here in Columbia, South Carolina. I became a therapist because I wanted to do two things. First, I wanted to listen to people hear their stories. Also, be a safe space for them as they unpacked the hardest areas of their lives through therapy.

And second, I wanted to show them a way out of their pain towards a better future for them and their families. So we always start by just listening and empathizing. We take concrete steps to build the life that they want for themselves. And usually it doesn’t come easy. There’s some hard parts in the middle, but that’s why I’m there to support them and encourage them every step of the way.

Kevin Coleman

As I became a marriage and family therapist through graduate school, I learned that we all exist in complex systems of relationships. It starts with our own parents and then grows in your friendships and sometimes we have families of our own. And as I began working with clients, I saw how crucial it is that we connect with others and ourselves in a healthy way.

So when it came time to name my business here in Columbia. just made sense to call it Connected Therapy Practice. So although my degrees in marriage and family therapy. I work with all adults, not just married, but married and single, parents or not parents.

Marriage Counseling

Now I have two specialties. The first is couples issues and the second is anxiety issues. I’m open to working with more adults who face different challenges. I encourage you to explore my website and my blog to get to know me better. More about how I operate on here in Columbia, SC.

And if there’s an area of your life, that just feels like can’t change, but you want to change. I encourage you to consider working with me. So, if that sounds like something that you or your spouse would be interested in. Head over to my scheduling page. I’ll get you all set up. Thank you for listening my website until meeting person, be well and be blessed.